Monday, May 21, 2012

Hey everyone I just have a little time so I thought I would write my feelings about same sex attractions. I know this can be a touchy subject for many people so if anyone would like to discuss further on what I write just let me know.

I don’t know what it is like to have gay tendencies but one thing I do know for sure is that man were never meant to have physical relationships with other men, nor women with other women. Marriage between a husband and wife is ordained of God and any other practice or alterations to it should not be practiced. I don’t believe people were born gay nor do I think it’s their choice whether they are gay or not. But saying that your gay is incorrect nobody is gay, there are however people with gay tendencies or temptations.  Saying your gay sounds like someone saying they are black or white, that is not the correct use of the word gay, nobody is gay, there are people out there though that have gay tendencies and temptations. God can help he never lets someone be tempted beyond the ability to overcome that temptation.

If anyone would like research about the homosexual community or help with having gay tendencies let me know I can get you some resources.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2 Family Myths

The family is the most important unit we have on earth today. Despite what many out there may think or say, without families our world would be less functional than it is today. It seems that through media (music, TV, and magazines) people have begun to degrade that family and portray them for what they are not. Because of this many families struggle to make their marriage work or expect something that only should be expected in the world. Here are some examples of myths that the world has portrayed and that research has proven wrong.
1-    Kids can grow up fine if both of their parents work outside the home; also children learn and develop fine when mom is not in the home.
Research shows that having one parent as the provider (the dad) makes families function better and children grow and learn better. Not only does it help all those in the family it helps society around us.
(I know that there are unavoidable situations were mothers need to work, my mom and dad are divorced that forced my mother into the work place)
2-    Good sex leads to a good marriage.
Actually it is movies, shows, magazines and celebrities that have lead us to believe such nonsense. Really the truth is that A GOOD MARRIGAE LEADS TO GOOD SEX.